What Holding Space Looks Like and 3 Tips to Practice It

My dear friend, Kristy and I met in one of the most bizarre ways. We both were walking down the streets of Reims, France – a town in the northeast region of France roughly 2 hours from Paris and recognized for its champagne producing vineyards. While walking with a friend who was in town visiting,…

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When You Look in the Mirror, What Do You See?

Most of us associate looking in the mirror with flagrant narcissism or feelings of inadequacy, but learning how to see yourself in your own reflection can do incredible things for your self-worth and self-awareness. Learning to make peace with the mirror is really about letting yourself be seen. Our desire to be seen and reflected…

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Self-Care is not Selfish. It’s Revolutionary.

Do you know that the term self-care has been used 18 million times on Instagram alone? With so many sharing how to create a self-care routine during this unique time in history, I want to start off by saying what self-care is NOT.  Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is not time consuming or expensive.…

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